Gratitude is a Lifestyle

Gratitude is a way of life, not just a fall holiday

This year, my family was scattered for Thanksgiving. For various reasons we couldn’t all gather together. I have shed many tears over this. I feel it deeply. The older I get, the more important gathering as family is. Even writing this the tears are coming. So how can I be grateful when I am so sad or frustrated?

I allow myself to feel the pain and sadness, but then I have to do something with it. I decide to give the sadness to the Lord. Lay it at His feet. Then I can move on and have gratitude for what I do have. Gratitude, along with praise, is the gateway to the Lord's peace.

Thank you, Lord, that you have given me a family. Thank you that we love each other. Thank you that we want to be together.

I have several friends who have lost sons in the past several years. Recently, I talked with one in that dark place, encouraging her to find things to be thankful for. 

Thankful for the years the Lord gave him to her. Recounting the way he made her smile over the years. The sadness will be there, and we can feel other emotions too.

Despite my sadness, I choose to focus on the blessings God has given me! I’m Thankful! 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Please share what you are thankful for today!


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